The US Department of Defense said Thursday that a review of one of the government's national security databases, the Threat and Local Observation Notice system or TALON program , uncovered approximately 260 improper entries into the system. The database serves as a reporting system for possible threats by international terrorists to Pentagon employees or facilities, [...]


Khaled Abu Arafa, the minister of Jerusalem affairs in the new Hamas-led Palestinian government , was detained Thursday by Israeli police as he attempted to meet his predecessor, Ziad Abu Zayyad, for administrative purposes. Reports indicate Abu Arafa may have been taken into custody for attempting to open an office in eastern Jerusalem, which under [...]


The Environmental Protection Agency is conducting a criminal investigation into management by British Petroleum of oil pipelines in Alaska, according to a report in Thursday's Wall Street Journal. A corroded pipeline owned by the company spilled an estimated 134,000 to 267,000 gallons of crude oil in March, the largest spill ever in Alaskan history . [...]