Prosecutors concluded their case in the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui Thursday with the testimony of former FBI agent Aaron Zebley, who claimed that the FBI would have been able to trace records and identify 11 of the 19 hijackers if Moussaoui had admitted receiving thousands of dollars in wire transfers when he was arrested [...]


President Bush Thursday called for policymakers considering the incendiary issue of immigration reform to conduct themselves "in a civil way…that brings dignity to the process" and hammer out legislation that is "comprehensive and rational and achieves important objectives." While several bills have been proposed , the Senate is about to take up draft legislation by [...]


The Florida Supreme Court on Thursday released an advisory opinion to the state Attorney General that permits the 2008 ballot to contain a citizen initiative banning gay marriages, even though the initiative failed to collect enough petition signatures to place the constitutional amendment on the 2006 ballot. According to the ACLU, which brought the initiative [...]


New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer on Thursday announced a lawsuit against Gratis Internet that alleges the company illegally sold the personal information – including e-mail addresses – of between one and seven million survey participants who were promised confidentiality. Gratis induced consumers to provide the information by offering free DVDs, iPods, and video games [...]