A court in Croatia on Wednesday indicted former Yugoslav Defense Minister Veljko Kadijevic and former airforce commander Zvonimir Jurjevic on charges of indiscriminate shelling of civilians during Croatia's 1991-95 war of independence from the former Yugoslavia. At least 30 people died in eastern Croatia as a result of the shellings. The indictment comes at the [...]


A US military spokesperson said Tuesday that the condition of two of the Guantanamo Bay detainees who attempted suicide last week is improving and both are expected to make full recoveries. The two men, neither of whom were prescribed antidepressants, overdosed on anti-anxiety medication they had stockpiled in an attempted suicide. On the same day, [...]


The Dutch parliament official website] has approved a new anti-terror bill that dramatically lowers the amount of evidence needed for Dutch police to arrest terror suspects and allows officials to hold suspects for up to two weeks without charge. The law will go into effect immediately and allows prosecutors to approve various surveillance methods for [...]


The trial of David Safavian , former chief of staff at the General Services Administration (GSA) and former White House chief procurement officer, begins Wednesday. Safavian is charged with making false statements to Senate and GSA officials in an investigation into to Safavian's relationship with former Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff during a 2002 golf trip [...]


Tariq Aziz , the former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister under Saddam Hussein's regime, testified on behalf of Hussein Wednesday at the Iraqi High Criminal Court , where Hussein and seven co-defendants are on trial for the crackdown against Shiites in Dujail following an assassination attempt in 1982, including the execution of 148 villagers. Aziz was [...]


Former French president and author of the beleaguered European Constitution , Valery Giscard d'Estaing is calling for the EU constitution rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005 to be put to new referendums. Citing domestic political issues as the culprit in derailing the ratification of the regional charter, especially in France , he suggested [...]