Italian prosecutors investigating the death of intelligence agent Nicola Calipari have requested the indictment of US Army Specialist Mario Lozano . Investigators concluded their probe last week , after news agencies reported in January that prosecutors intended to charge Lozano with murder. Calipari was shot to death in 2005 while driving to the Baghdad airport [...]


The trial of three Egyptian journalists and one lawyer accused of slandering a local election commission chief by alleging fraud in Egypt's November parliamentary election and publishing the names of two judges accused of rigging results in a runoff poll began Sunday. If convicted, they face up to two years in prison. The four defendants [...]


The UN Human Rights Council held its inaugural session Monday, convening for its first session as the replacement body for the beleaguered Human Rights Commission . The Human Rights Council will begin by passing two "vital documents" that will guarantee the rights of indigenous peoples and another that will oppose enforced disappearances. The first Council [...]


The prosecution in the Saddam Hussein trial presented closing arguments Monday, calling for the death penalty for Hussein, his half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti, former chief judge of the Revolutionary Court Awad Hamed al-Bander, and former senior regime member Taha Yassin Ramadan. Chief Judge Raouf Abdel-Rahman , who abruptly ended witness testimony for the defense last week [...]


JURIST Special Guest Columnist Jonathan Hafetz, Associate Counsel with the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, says that the recent suicides of three prisoners at Guantanamo Bay graphically represent and reinforce America's loss of moral legitimacy in its so-called "war on terror" … The only surprise about the three recent [...]