UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan called on the world's governments Wednesday to ensure the goal of nuclear non-proliferation by devaluing nuclear weapons and strengthening the treaties to limit and control them. Addressing the opening session of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament (CD) in Geneva, Annan advocated renewed international efforts to secure compliance with the Nuclear [...]


The United States and Japan have finalized a treaty that will allow law enforcement authorities from both countries to deal with each other directly to facilitate criminal investigations, rather than going through diplomats. The Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) , which the two countries initially signed on August 5, 2003, will take effect July 21 [...]


Law enforcement officials often obtain Americans' phone records without a warrant or subpoena by paying private data brokers, who sometimes get the information through improper or even illegal techniques, AP reports. Federal agencies that hire data brokers include the FBI and the US Marshals Service , both part of the Justice Department, and US Immigration [...]


The Catholic church is pushing the UK government to establish a committee to consider lowering the legal limit on abortions from the current 24 weeks allowed by the 1967 Abortion Act , UK Archbishop Rev. Peter Smith said Wednesday during an interview on the BBC Breakfast program. The proposed committee would involve members of both [...]


I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby supporters have raised more than $2 million for his legal defense in the CIA leak case since last fall, according to Barbara Comstock, a member of Libby's defense team. Supporters of Vice President Cheney's former aide have hosted several fundraisers, including one Tuesday evening, hosted by former Cheney spokeswoman Mary Matalin [...]


Canada must do more to protect citizens' personal information from foreign governments, the national privacy commissioner said in a report to Parliament presented Tuesday. Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart singled out the Canadian Border Services Agency for allowing guards and customs agents to give their US counterparts private information over the phone, even though agreements between the [...]