Former Qatari justice minister Najib al-Nuaimi has said that any attempt by the Iraqi government to extradite Saddam Hussein's first wife Sajida from her current presumed residence in Qatar would fail. Al-Nuaimi, currently a member of Saddam Hussein's defense team, told AFP in an interview published Tuesday that extradition would require adherence to certain procedures [...]


The appeals chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled Tuesday that eight years solitary confinement in a French prison for the convicted assassin and terrorist known popularly as Carlos the Jackal – Venezuelan-born Ilich Ramirez Sanchez – was not inhumane or otherwise violative of his rights. The Court upheld a January [...]


Iraq's justice minister called Tuesday for international supervision of the US investigation of the rape and murder of one Iraqi civilian and the murder of three others in Mahmudiya in March. On Monday, US federal prosecutors charged former US Army soldier Steven Green in connection with the incident. Four other currently-serving soldiers are being held [...]


Israel was sharply criticized by Swiss diplomats Monday for allegedly violating international humanitarian law in its latest actions against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as tensions between Israel and Palestinian authorities continue to mount over the seizure of an Israeli soldier by militants. Switzerland, the original host state for the Geneva Conventions which retains the [...]


Eleven African jurists were sworn-in Monday as the first members of Africa's first continent-wide human rights court, the African Court on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) , sponsored by the African Union . The swearing-in took place at the end of a two-day AU summit in Banjul, Gambia. The legal experts vowed to "preserve, protect [...]