JURIST Guest Columnist Anthony D'Amato of Northwestern University School of Law says that while the legal status of the current Middle East conflict embroiling Israel and Lebanon is not easily characterized by traditional definitions of international armed conflict, it falls at least partially under a doctrine originating closer to home… In the eyes of the [...]


Making the first US appearance before the UN Human Rights Committee in more than a decade, American officials on Monday defended their position that the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not govern many aspects of the war on terror. In a media roundtable in conjunction with a committee hearing in Geneva, Mark [...]


Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer has signed the controversial anti-terrorism bill which the country's parliament passed on June 29, but says he will allow the country's constitutional court to delete several clauses without specifying which would be stricken. The law has been criticized by media and human rights groups which claim legislators approved the measure [...]


Democratic Party officials in Missouri filed a class-action lawsuit Monday seeking a permanent injunction against the enforcement of a new state law that requires voters to show photo identification at the polls . The law, signed by Gov. Matt Blunt last month, allows voters who can't produce ID to cast provisional ballots that will be [...]


Michael J. Kelly : "Serbia has moved against a group of nationalist co-conspirators who have been hiding wanted war criminal Radko Mladic for about a decade. The Serb government, largely unresponsive to repeated requests to turn over such perpetrators to international tribunals, has responded in this case only because the European Union (E.U.) has taken [...]


ICTY chief prosecutor Carla Del Ponte and EU diplomats have criticized a new Serbian plan to arrest war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic as too vague, although they acknowledged "positive elements." The six-point document , which Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica discussed with EU diplomats Monday in Brussels, emphasizes improved coordination between Serb authorities and the [...]