The paper ballots from Mexico's disputed July 2 presidential election will be destroyed under the order of the Federal Electoral Tribunal , despite objections from President-elect Felipe Calderon who wanted the ballots preserved in an effort to strengthen public confidence in his controversial victory. In a letter to Calderon, the electoral court said it made [...]


The government of Pakistan has delayed introducing legislation that would change Islamic rape and adultery laws after a deal with Islamist parties over a watered-down version of the 2006 Protection of Women Bill fell through, according to Pakistani officials Thursday. Earlier this month, members of an Islamist alliance threatened to quit the Pakistan parliament over [...]


The US House of Representatives Wednesday passed the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 , legislation that provides for the creation of a website to allow the public access to information regarding companies which receive government contracts and grants. The new measure, which was approved by a voice vote, calls for the Internet [...]


The Australian Senate on Thursday debated a proposed bill to remove power from the federal executive to overturn laws passed by the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) federal district. The new bill was proposed after Australia Governor-General Michael Jeffrey allowed the federal government to effectively veto the controversial Civil Unions Bill 2006 , which the ACT [...]


Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees face deportation and human rights abuses in Libya, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a new report released Wednesday. The monitoring group found that Libya has repatriated 145,000 foreigners between 2003 and 2005, despite the possibility that they will face persecution or torture in their home countries. Migrants, mostly from [...]