An Italian court on Monday ordered former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and British corporate lawyer David Mills to face trial on corruption charges. According to Italian media reports, Mills in 1997 and 1998 allegedly gave false testimony at trials involving a Berlusconi-owned broadcasting company in exchange for some $600,000 that Berlusconi funneled to Mills. [...]


A British advocacy group condemned the UK government for failing to properly regulate hired mercenaries operating in Iraq and Afghanistan in a report released Monday that proposes regulations to hold mercenaries accountable for alleged abuses. The report by the War on Want charges that no prosecutions have been filed against paid mercenaries, despite several documented [...]


The North Korean government is "actively committing crimes against humanity" by the starvation and political repression of North Korean citizens, according to a report released Sunday by a blue-ribbon panel comprised of Vaclav Havel , former President of the Czech Republic; former Prime Minister of Norway Kjell Magne Bondevik ; and Holocaust survivor and Nobel [...]