Jonathan Hafetz : "Attorneys today asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the United States from transferring Mohammed Munaf, a American citizen, to the custody of the Iraqi government. Mr. Munaf has been in US custody in Iraq for more than 16 months. An Iraqi Court sentenced Mr. Munaf to death on October 12. A [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Monday in Wallace v. Chicago Police Officers , 05-1240, a case where a man illegally arrested is seeking to sue the police officers responsible for his arrest. Andre Wallace was arrested without probable cause in 1994, convicted, and released from prison in 2002 after an Illinois court reversed [...]


Several more European leaders voiced concern Monday over the death sentence handed down over the weekend for Saddam Hussein and two co-defendants in the Dujail crimes against humanity case . In a London press conference, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said the Iraqi High Tribunal's guilty verdict served as a reminder of the brutality of [...]


An Italian court on Monday convicted Egyptian Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed for his role in the 2004 Madrid train bombings , sentencing him to ten years in prison. Ahmed's trial began earlier this year and marks the first conviction for any suspects in the bombings, which killed 191 people and injured almost 2000 more. Prosecutors [...]