Former US Attorney General and Saddam Hussein defense lawyer Ramsey Clark on Wednesday urged President Bush to keep Hussein and his Dujail trial co-defendants in US custody, expressing concern that Iraqi officials will torture the convicted defendants. Hussein and two of his co-defendants, Awad Hamed al-Bandar and Barzan al-Tikriti, were all convicted and sentenced to [...]


Spain's High Court ruled Wednesday that it does not have jurisdiction to try former Argentinean naval officer Ricardo Miguel Cavallo for crimes committed during Argentina's "dirty war" . Cavallo has been in Spanish custody since 2003 and early this year was charged with genocide , organized terrorism and crimes against humanity. The charges carried a [...]


The Russian State Duma approved a draft law Wednesday that would permanently move the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation from its current location in Moscow to the city of St. Petersburg, the former Russian imperial capital. The Constitutional Court will nonetheless maintain a Moscow office "to ensure cooperation with the federal authorities," a provision [...]


US District Judge David Lawson of the Eastern District of Michigan has ruled that the University of Michigan, Michigan State University and Wayne State University can delay until July 1, 2007 implementing Proposal 2 , an amendment to the Michigan Constitution banning affirmative action in public employment, public education and state contracting. Lawson's ruling, which [...]