Pope Benedict XVI on Friday condemned proposed Italian legislation that would recognize civil unions for unmarried couples, including same-sex couples. The Pope, speaking in a Christmas address to the Rome clergy, said the legislation threatens traditional marriage by granting legal recognition to "de facto couples," and that the legislation blurs the "masculinity and femininity" of [...]


Italian prosecutors have begun an investigation into the death of Piergiorgio Welby , a man who suffered from muscular dystrophy and sought the right to die by euthanasia. Welby's quest to die became a nation-wide debate after Italy's Radical Party took up Welby's cause. Welby passed away Wednesday, three months after pleading with Italian President [...]


Human rights abuses have worsened in countries around Asia due to authoritarian developments in "malfunctioning" democracies, according to a report by the Hong Kong-based Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) released Thursday. AHRC attributed failing legal systems to corruption and inadequate criminal justice systems, resulting in discontent among citizens. The report also expressed concern over continued [...]


Massachusetts Governor-elect Deval Patrick said Thursday he will rescind an agreement with the federal government allowing Massachusetts state troopers to detain illegal immigrants found or located while the troopers are performing their general duties. The agreement , signed earlier this month by outgoing Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and US Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) Assistant Secretary [...]


President Bush granted pardons to 16 people on Thursday, including some convicted of drug crimes and others who were involved in fraud and kickback schemes. Bush additionally commuted the sentence of another man who had been convicted of drug offenses. Bush has issued a total of 113 pardons in his six years as president, the [...]