Spanish police arrested former Argentine President Isabel Peron on Friday for her alleged involvement in the disappearance of political opponent Hector Aldo Fagetti Gallego in 1976. Argentine Federal Judge Raul Acosta issued the order for her arrest on Thursday. An anonymous source within the judge's chambers told AP that Peron, who has lived in Spain [...]


Bryan Wagner, the private investigator involved in the Hewlett-Packard corporate spying scandal pleaded guilty Friday to federal charges of conspiracy and aggravated identity theft. Wagner was accused of using used the social security number of a targeted reporter to obtain the reporter's telephone records, which Wagner provided to other co-conspirators. The charges carry a possible [...]


Human Rights Watch has urged the European Union to "fill the leadership void on human rights" left after allegations of torture and US detention practices have undermined American credibility in the human rights arena. In the introduction to HRW's World Report 2007 , released Thursday, HRW Executive Director Kenneth Roth wrote: In the past, many [...]


A political confrontation between the Verkhovna Rada , the Ukraine parliament, and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko appears to be heading to the country's Constitutional Court after the parliament Friday passed legislation to define and expand the powers of the cabinet in defiance of an earlier presidential veto. Yushchenko promised to challenge the new legislation, supported [...]


A Chinese court rejected the final appeal Friday of Chen Guangcheng , a blind Chinese human rights legal activist, who was sentenced to four years and three months in prison for damaging property and "organizing a mob to disturb traffic." The Intermediate Court in Linyi city upheld the verdict and sentence after a Chinese intermediate [...]


Peruvian president Alan Garcia Thursday proposed a national referendum on introducing capital punishment for convicted terrorists after a legislative proposal to that effect was defeated 49-26 in the Peruvian Congress on Wednesday. Garcia described the defeat as one contrary to the will of the Peruvian people, and " duty to fulfill what promised… in campaign." [...]


Texas District Judge Bruce Priddy granted a 14-day temporary restraining order on Thursday preventing anti-illegal immigrant measures from going into effect as scheduled on Friday in Farmers Branch, Texas. The ordinances, passed last month in the Dallas suburb , were challenged by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund and the American Civil Liberties [...]