President Bush Friday signed into law new federal legislation seeking to protect traditional, wireless, and internet phone calling consumers by preventing phone companies from selling their private phone records without customer authorization and criminalizing attempts to obtain those fraudulently. The Telephone Records and Privacy Protection Act of 2006 passed the Senate in December in response [...]


JURIST Contributing Editor Nancy Rapoport of the University of Houston Law Center says that lawyers who provide free legal representation for poor and/or unpopular clients – including detainees at Guantanamo Bay – should be thanked for their efforts, not shunned or sanctioned at the behest of government officials… Charles Stimson, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of [...]


Three US Justice Department agencies – the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) , the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the FBI – are freezing or slowing recruitment efforts largely as a result of a lack of increased funding from Congress' failure to approve requested 2007 budget increases for the Justice Department. The [...]


The US Supreme Court Friday granted certiorari in four cases , including one that will determine if tobacco companies are protected from judgments in state courts on the grounds that cigarettes are federally regulated. The appeal, Watson v. Philip Morris, Cos. (05-1284) , was filed by two Arkansas women who found their state court case [...]


Germany’s highest court, the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, announced Friday that it will not hear the appeal of the 15-year sentence of convicted September 11 conspirator Mounir al-Motassadeq . Moroccan-born Motassadeq has another appeal to German appellate courts filed, but it is unknown when it will be considered. Lawyers for Motassadeq have also said [...]