Bangladeshi security forces picked up 13 ex-ministers and senior politicians from their homes in raids in Dhaka Sunday. The government cited recently-promulgated emergency powers as the basis for the detentions. Bangladesh country has been in political turmoil since former prime ministers Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina began feuding over proposed electoral reforms. After the disagreements [...]


The UN Working Group of Experts on People of Africa Descent Friday called for a global ban on racial profiling at the conclusion of its annual 5-day session . The group urged "states to clearly define and adopt explicit legislative provisions banning racial profiling," a practice which European expert Joe Frans described as being "widespread, [...]


Lt. Col. Colby Vokey, the US Marine defense coordinator for the western US, told the Associated Press Friday that his paralegal, Sgt. Heather Cerveny, has been accused of having made a false statement by Army Col. Richard Basset. Bassett was ordered to investigate alleged abuses of detainees at Guantanamo Bay after Cerveny provided a two-page [...]


The Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland ruled Friday that people with serious mental illnesses may be permitted to commit physician-assisted suicide under certain conditions. The decision recognized "that an incurable, permanent, serious mental disorder can cause similar suffering as a physical " and extended Switzerland's current physician-assisted suicide for the terminally ill for such patients. [...]


Jonathan Hafetz : "The al-Marri case raises critical issues in defining the limits of executive detention power. The government not claims the right to indefinitely detain without charge individuals arrested the United States but also asserts that non-citizens living in this country do not even have the right to challenge their detention by habeas corpus [...]