Pakistani Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry is accused of misusing his influence to get his son jobs and promotions, according to details released for the first time Wednesday. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf suspended Chaudhry on March 9, but no details of the charges were made public at that time. According to the charge [...]


US Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) Stuart Bowen told the US Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that investigators will be employing stricter standards when dealing with companies performing contract work in Iraq that engage in war profiteering. During the committee hearing , Bowen testified that the "SIGIR will do everything in its power [...]


J. Wells Dixon : "In the last week, the government has released unclassified excerpts of Combatant Status Review Tribunal proceedings for four men who were transferred from secret CIA prisons to Guantanamo Bay in September 2006. These documents are remarkable not only because they reveal confessions to horrible acts of violence — in the cases [...]


The UK Ministry of Defence announced Tuesday that British armed forces will no longer use certain types of cluster bombs . UK Secretary of State for Defence Des Browne said the military will still use "smart" cluster bombs with self-destruct mechanisms in an attempt to strike a balance between providing troops with adequate weapons and [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in the case of Fry v. Pliler , 06-5247, a case in which the defendant was convicted on two counts of murder following two mistrials. Fry subsequently filed several habeas appeals, arguing the trial court improperly precluded a key defense witness from testifying. The Supreme Court will [...]


Reporter Rafig Tagi and editor Samir Huseinov, both of the newspaper Senet, went on trial Tuesday in the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan for allegedly insulting Islam. Both claim the prosecution is politically motivated as authoritarian Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliev has a reputation for heavy-handed repression of the media. Violent protests broke out last year [...]