The government of the Philippines Tuesday rejected a request by the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) that the 2007 Human Security Act be revisited , as Filipino presidential spokesperson Ignacio Bunye said the controversial law had already experienced "exhaustive debates" in the legislature and that delaying its July 15 implementation could "embolden terrorists." [...]


US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales received reports that the FBI had improperly used national security letters (NSL) prior to testifying before Congress in 2005 that "there has not been one verified case of civil liberties abuse," the Washington Post reported Tuesday. According to documents made available by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Gonzales received at least [...]


The Thai Supreme Court agreed to hear corruption charges against former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Tuesday, scheduling the first hearing for August 14 and ordering the exiled Thaksin and his wife Pojamarn to appear before the court. Thaksin is charged with abuse of power for personal gain, conflict of interest violations, and also dereliction of [...]


German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said it was imperative not to underplay the gravity of terrorist threats and raised the possibility of "targeted killings" of terror suspects like Osama Bin Laden and the indefinite detention of others in a controversial interview with Der Spiegel magazine published Monday. Pointing to similar United States policy, he noted [...]