Russia's Constitutional Court Monday upheld a 2004 law requiring certified political parties to have at least 50,000 members. The decision upheld a May Supreme Court ruling that dissolved the Russian Communist Workers Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK) , a party of approximately 35,000 members. The party's first secretary told reporters that the decision [...]


The European Court of First Instance announced Tuesday that it will deliver a judgment September 17 in Microsoft's appeal against the European Commission's (EC) 2004 landmark anti-trust ruling that hit Microsoft with a record €497.2 million euro (approximately $686 million) fine. Microsoft, which is seeking the "annulment of the decision or a substantial reduction in [...]


India's Ministry of Women and Child Development announced plans Tuesday to toughen existing laws prohibiting the archaic Hindu funeral custom of sati , in which widows are expected to self-immolate on their deceased husbands' funeral pyre, by holding entire communities criminally responsible and increasing the maximum punishment from the current seven years imprisonment to life. [...]


The Indonesian Constitutional Court Tuesday voided Articles 154 and 155 of the Indonesian criminal code prohibiting acts of inciting hatred against the government or the distribution of materials voicing opposition against the government, ruling that Dutch colonial-era articles violated the freedom of expression guaranteed in the 1945 Indonesian Constitution . The ruling stems from an [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Leonard Baynes of the St. John's University School of Law says the US Supreme Court's plurality rejection of race as a permissible factor in assigning students to public schools overlooks key moral considerations and is itself immoral… In the recent Louisville and Seattle desegregation decisions, a plurality of the U.S. Supreme Court [...]


Mary E. Gibson, Pitt Law '08, files from Prishtina: Independence for Kosovo is nothing new — independence fervor did not begin in 1998 when conflicts escalated from Slobodan MiloÅ¡ević's ethnic cleansing of Albanians. Rather, it's been fermenting since before the Ottoman Empire's victory at the Battle of Kosovo in 1389. Kosovar-Albanians believed independence could have [...]