The government of Pakistan has prepared a new complaint against suspended Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry , Pakistan Minister of Law, Justice & Human Rights Muhammad Wasi Zafar said Sunday. Zafar added that the new document will be filed at an "appropriate time," although he refused to provide details on the new charges. Last Thursday, [...]


At least one-third of the 37 immigration judges appointed by the Justice Department since 2004 are highly-connected Republicans or Bush administration insiders and half of those appointed lacked prior experience in immigration law, the Washington Post reported Monday. Immigration judges, who sit alone on cases, annually deport approximately 250,000 people from the United States. The [...]


Lebanon's Supreme Judicial Council convened Monday to discuss the nomination of 12 Lebanese judges to be considered by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for appointment to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon , established under UN Security Council Resolution 1757 to investigate and try suspects in the February 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri . [...]


South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun criticized South Korea's election laws Sunday, saying that the country's political system with a single five-year presidential term was "underdeveloped" and should be reformed. Roh also criticized the country's political neutrality laws and rejected last Thursday's ruling by the National Election Commission that Roh violated the neutrality laws by repeating [...]


A European Union human rights team expressed the EU's "deep concern" at the state of human rights in Bangladesh under President Iajuddin Ahmed's interim government at the conclusion of a visit to the country Saturday, flagging reports of extra-judicial killings, torture and intimidation alleged to have taken place as part of the government's "anti-corruption campaign" [...]


Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court ruled Saturday against an American University of Cairo (AUC) ban on women wearing the Muslim niqab on campus, finding that the private university could not require a plaintiff student to unveil her face because it was her constitutional right under Egyptian law to practice her religion. The court nonetheless said it [...]