Thai Attorney General Phatchara Yutithamdamrong said Monday that he would seek a criminal trial against former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife regarding a 2003 land purchase by Pojamarn Shinawatra from the government-directed Financial Institutions Development Fund . Yutithamdamrong also recommended the seizure of the land, valued at approximately $23.7 million USD. The [...]


The Superior Court of Quebec has ruled that some 20,000 cattle breeders can proceed with their class action lawsuit against the federal government of Canada for its handling of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) , otherwise known as "mad cow" disease . The suit, which could eventually include over 100,000 farmers, alleges that the Canadian government [...]


A White House spokesperson Sunday disputed claims by retired US Army Major General Antonio Taguba that President Bush "had to be aware" of the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib before the photos of US interrogators abusing prisoners surfaced in April 2004, insisting that Bush first learned about the abuse on television. In an interview with [...]


Prominent human rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith said Sunday he expects detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay to be closed after US President George Bush leaves office next year, adding that the recent dismissal of military commission charges against detainees Omar Khadr and Salim Ahmed Hamdan were "another nail in the coffin for Guantanamo." Smith also [...]