An incarcerated Chinese activist filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against Yahoo! Inc. , alleging that the Internet giant aided and abetted human rights violations committed by the Chinese government by providing Chinese officials with information, including e-mail records and user ID numbers, that helped them to identify pro-democracy activists. Imprisoned Internet activist Wang Xiaoning brought [...]


The Romanian Parliament voted Thursday to suspend Romanian President Traian Basescu for allegedly violating the constitution . Members of parliament voted 322-108 in favor of the suspension. According to the constitution, Romania must hold a national referendum on Basescu's impeachment within 30 days. The parliamentary vote was brought by the leftist opposition party PSD and [...]


The Italian Constitutional Court ruled Thursday that the Italian government can seek to quash the indictments of 33 American and Italian agents who allegedly kidnapped Egyptian cleric Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr in 2003. State lawyers will argue against the indictments on the grounds that investigators considered secret documents in collecting evidence, violating state secrecy laws. [...]


Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Wednesday rejected a demand by Palestinian militants to free hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit . In a speech before Israel's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee , Olmert said that the list of Palestinian prisoners, which according to news reports includes [...]


The Russian State Duma , the lower house of parliament, unanimously approved a bill on Wednesday that would hike the penalty for vandalizing property during political or ideological protests to a maximum of three years in prison. The bill was initially proposed in the wake of a December protest against President Vladimir Putin's rights record [...]


Judge Arthur Hunter of the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court Wednesday suspended the prosecutions of 42 New Orleans indigent criminal defendants who had not been provided adequate legal counsel and ordered 16 of them released without bail. Hunter first ordered suspension of the prosecutions in March, but then delayed implementation of his ruling until a [...]


Rwanda petitioned the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Wednesday to resolve a dispute with France over an international arrest warrant issued by France for three Rwandan officials last November, and a request forwarded to the UN Secretary-General that Rwandan President Paul Kagame stand trial at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). Rwanda cut diplomatic [...]