UK Attorney General Lord Goldsmith announced Friday that he will resign his post effective next week. Goldsmith, who leaves just as Tony Blair steps down after 10 years as Prime Minister, said that he has wanted to move on for some time. Incoming Prime Minister Gordon Brown praised Goldsmith for his "outstanding service to Britain." [...]


European leaders continued to grapple Friday with disagreements over a proposed EU constitution treaty on the second day of the summit meeting in Brussels. Britain threatened to veto a watered-down version of the treaty unless it incorporated four non-negotiable issues outlined by UK Prime Minister Tony Blair earlier this week. Among the four points, Blair [...]


The Poisoned Chalice: A Human Rights Watch Briefing Paper on the Decision of the Iraqi High Tribunal in the Dujail Case, Human Rights Watch, June 22, 2007 . Read the full text of the report . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.


The White House Friday denied a Thursday AP report that officials are nearing a decision to close the Guantanamo Bay military prison, saying that, although there is a general desire to eventually close the facility, "nothing is imminent" . White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said that although President Bush indicated his desire to [...]


Negotiations to establish an international broadcasting treaty at the Second Special Session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) failed Friday, as US and European delegations were unable to overcome fundamental differences concerning the extent anti-piracy protections should protect the retransmission of content. European delegations wanted to protect the content of the [...]


Rwandan Foreign Minister Charles Murigande announced Friday the arrest of Rwandan genocide suspect Isaac Kamali by US authorities at the Philadelphia International Airport while Kamali was attempting to enter the United States earlier this week. Murigande hopes that Kamali, a former senior official with the Ministry of Public Works who holds dual-citizenship from France, will [...]