The UK High Court Friday heard arguments in a case that alleges British troops tortured ten Iraqi detainees in Basra in 2003. The nine plaintiffs and a tenth man were arrested in a Basra hotel where British troops found weapons and suspected bomb-making materials. Later, the tenth detainee, Baha Mousa , died while in custody, [...]


Internet VoIP provider Vonage Holding Corp. on Thursday settled a patent lawsuit against it brought by Verizon Communications for up to $120 million. The exact amount of damages Vonage will have to pay Verizon hinges upon whether the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit agrees to hear an appeal of an earlier federal [...]


Former Philippine President Joseph Estrada was freed from detention Friday after receiving a presidential pardon earlier this week. Estrada had been held for over six years on corruption charges. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's decision to issue the pardon has been questioned by her critics as Article VII, Section 19 of the Philippines Constitution prohibits the president [...]


UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown Thursday announced the launch of a nationwide public consultation leading to a new as-yet-undrafted "Bill of Rights and Duties" in what he described as part of a process of "moving towards a written constitution" for the United Kingdom. Brown initially laid out a series of proposed UK constitutional reforms – [...]


European and US-based rights groups filed a lawsuit against former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld with the Paris prosecutor Friday coincident with Rumsfeld's arrival in Paris to deliver a speech sponsored by Foreign Policy magazine. In their complaint the French-based International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH), the US-based Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), [...]


Iraqi parliament speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani Thursday objected to the execution of former Saddam Hussein-era Defense Minister Sultan Hashim Ahmed al-Tai , joining a group of Iraqi political leaders speaking out against the planned execution. Al-Mashhadani said that executing al-Tai would cause military officers to question their commanders' orders out of fear that they could be [...]


The High Administrative Court of Ukraine Thursday validated the results of the Sept. 30 parliamentary election after dismissing a legal challenge by the Communist Party of Ukraine contending the vote was invalid due to alleged violations associated with Ukrainians voting abroad. The coalition of President Viktor Yuschenko's Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defense Bloc and former Ukrainian Prime [...]