Thailand's Constitution Drafting Assembly approved a final draft of a new constitution Friday, paving the way for an August 19 constitutional referendum and possible general elections in December. The 100-member body, appointed by the military, unanimously approved the 309-article draft presented by the 35-member Constitutional Drafting Committee in April. The new constitution is part of [...]


A Court in London sentenced Younis Tsouli and two accomplices to prison Thursday for collaborating on websites that advocated terrorism. Tsouli, along with Tariq al-Daourm and Waseem Mughal, used the sites to promote terrorist actions and distribute information on how to construct bombs and poisons. Tsouli, who labeled himself "the jihadist James Bond," received a [...]


The Turkish criminal justice system continues to tolerate and condone the use of torture and ill-treatment by police and investigators despite the government's official "zero tolerance for torture" policy, according to a report released Thursday by Amnesty International . The report found that the an institutionalized culture that violates human rights with impunity is a [...]