Ank gsx, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

UN Special Adviser of the Secretary on the Prevention of Genocide Alice Nderitu warned on Friday that hate speech continues to significantly threaten global peace and security. It also frequently targets the most vulnerable in society. In a briefing to the UN Security Council, Nderitu said that as well as inciting violence, hate speech also [...]


Serbia’s Higher Court in Belgrade decided on Thursday to extradite Belarusian filmmaker Andrei Gnet to Belarus pursuant to the Law on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and the interstate agreement Serbia and Belarus made on January 3, 2019. Gnet is accused by the Belarus government of tax evasion under Article 243(2) of the Criminal Code [...]


The Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs filed a claim with the UN on Friday to formally recognize the boundaries of its underwater continental shelf in the South China Sea, granting it exclusive rights to utilize the area’s resources. The Philippines filed the claim with the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf following [...]


The legal team for a former top Nagorno-Karabakh official alleged in a Friday letter addressed to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture that their client, former Nagorno-Karabakh Minister of State Ruben Vardanyan, and an unnamed Armenian business leader had been tortured while in custody in Azerbaijan for engaging in a hunger strike. Vardanyan was detained [...]

12019 / Pixabay

UN Special Rapporteur Alice Jill Edwards said Thursday that the Taliban must provide detained US humanitarian worker Ryan Corbett with immediate medical treatment in light of his deteriorating health. Corbett was allegedly detained by the Taliban on August 10, 2022. According to Edwards, Corbett was confined in a tiny, locked cell without sunlight in Afghanistan. He [...]

© WikiMedia (Coolcaesar)

The US Department of Justice on Thursday found that the Phoenix Police Department and the City of Phoenix have engaged in excessive force, discrimination and general civil rights violations against Black, Latino, Native American and other marginalized communities. The findings were published in a 126-page report, ending an investigation that began in 2021. Attorney General Merrick [...]

KRiemer / Pixabay

The chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines stated on Friday that the military and other maritime law enforcement agencies are prepared to defend Filipino fishermen from China’s “anti-trespassing policy,” reinforcing the fishermen’s right to fish in the West Philippine Sea. General Romeo Brawner Jr. reaffirmed that Filipino fishermen should continue their [...]

Kevin Nha, Voice of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In a historic turn of events, an international diplomacy maneuver resulted in a rare prisoner swap that saw both Sweden and Iran gain the freedom of notable detainees. The exchange raised brows on the global stage due to the release of Iranian prison official Hamid Nouri, who was found guilty in a Swedish Court of [...]

© WikiMedia (Jonathan Rashad)

A coalition of human rights organizations released a joint statement on Friday calling on the Egyptian government to stop the recent targeting and retaliation against human rights lawyers. The coalition includes 28 rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Freedom House. The organizations expressed support for a letter by five UN Special Rapporteurs that was published [...]


A US federal judge ordered a retrial on Friday in a case involving allegations that Virginia-based military contractor CACI Premier Technology, Inc. (CACI) contributed to the abuse and torture of detainees at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison two decades ago. Judge Leonie Brinkema granted the plaintiffs’ motion for a new trial and denied CACI’s motion for [...]