A mayor-elect was shot and killed on Monday in the southern Mexcian state of Guerrero, according to a statement by the State Prosecutor’s office. Salvador Villalva Flores, returning from a trip to Mexico City, was traveling on the highway on the bus when he was fatally shot in the town of San Pedro de las [...]

ELG21 / Pixabay

World leaders gathered in Switzerland for a two-day summit over the weekend in an attempt to create a peace plan to end the conflict in Ukraine.  The peace summit on Ukraine brought together representatives from 101 countries and international organizations with a shared goal of resolving the conflict through dialogue, global cooperation, and adherence to international [...]

12019 / Pixabay

Amnesty International declared Monday that gender apartheid must be considered a crime under international law. The organization’s statement aimed to raise awareness of efforts to remove institutionalized domination and oppression on the grounds of gender. Amnesty International Secretary General Agnès Callamard emphasized not only international failure to recognize domination and oppression that weakens the rights [...]

Amin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk declared in a statement that the number of children killed in international armed conflicts tripled in 2023, as he presented his global update to the 56th session of the Human Rights Council on Tuesday. The UN human rights chief started his speech by stating that the [...]

Thai Parliament Museum website // Public domain

Thailand’s senate voted by a wide margin to support a bill legalizing same-sex marriage on Tuesday. This comes after its House of Representatives voted to approve the bill in March with near unanimity. Now, the bill must receive royal endorsement by King Maha Vajiralongkorn before entering into Thailand’s Royal Gazette as law. The bill is [...]

© WikiMedia (CherryX)

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on Tuesday ruled that the Russian “undesirable organization” law was incompatible with the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), which Russia was a signatory to until 2022. In the case of Andrey Rylkov Foundation and Others v. Russia, the Strasbourg court unanimously held that there [...]


Taiwan’s national defense minister, Wellington Koo, confirmed Tuesday that the government remains vigilant and has the necessary means to monitor the situation in the Taiwan Strait after photographs appeared online of a Chinese nuclear submarine surfacing near the island. Taiwanese media published photographs of the surfaced submarine taken early Tuesday morning by local fishermen. The [...]

© JURIST / Jaclyn Belczyk

The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on Monday granted an en banc rehearing for a case about procedures for Ohio citizens proposing Ohio constitutional amendments through ballot initiatives. In order for an Ohio citizen: o get a proposed constitutional amendment on the Ohio ballot, petitioners must submit their amendment, a summary of [...]


The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported two shipwreck accidents that took place in the Mediterranean Sea on Monday, in a joint statement published with the International Organization for Migration and UNICEF. The UN agencies recorded 10 deaths in the first accident and 64 missing refugees at sea in the other. The first incident records 10 [...]

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

President Joe Biden announced new measures Tuesday allowing hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrant spouses and children of US citizens to remain in the country while applying for permanent residency, thus enabling these families to stay together. Typically, noncitizen spouses are required to apply for spousal visas from abroad — a lengthy bureaucratic process. Though [...]