The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Tuesday called on Iraqi Kurdish authorities to “immediately and unconditionally” release Syrian journalist, Sleman Ahmed. Ahmed has been detained for eight months and is facing a charge of espionage under acts of endangering the national security of the Kurdistan Region. He has already faced restrictions accessing legal representation [...]

© JURIST // Kirubi Maina

Aynsley Genga is JURIST’s senior Kenya correspondent. She filed this report from Nairobi on Tuesday afternoon local time (EAT). On Tuesday, Kenya entered its second week of protests against the controversial Finance Bill 2024. People from various counties such as Nairobi, Nakuru, Kisumu, Nyeri, Tana River and even Turkana decided to come together and protest [...]


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleaded guilty in a remote US court on Wednesday to one count of conspiracy for releasing troves of US classified documents via WikiLeaks. The Australian national was released with time served. He had spent the past five years in a UK prison, where he had been battling extradition requests from the US. For [...]

© JURIST // Kirubi Maina

David Odero is a law student at Kisii University and a special correspondent for JURIST. He filed this dispatch from Nairobi.   Sleep is for the weak and the wicked, as the saying goes, and this sentiment never made more sense than on the morning of Tuesday, 25 June. Individuals alleged to be members of the [...]

OrnaW / Pixabay

At least five people were killed and dozens injured on Tuesday when Kenyan police fired on protesters attempting to storm the parliament in Nairobi during demonstrations against a proposed tax increase. “A section of the parliament is on fire,” one source told JURIST from the scene. “Multiple people are said to have been shot and [...]


The Delhi High Court put a final stay on the bail order granted by the trial court for the chief minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday. The trial court of Delhi, the capital of India, approved the bail plea for Kejriwal on June 20 with a bail bond of INR 100,000 in the money laundering [...]

efes / Pixabay

The European Commission notified Microsoft on Tuesday that it has come to the preliminary conclusion that the company violated EU antitrust rules by bundling Teams within its suites of business applications. The investigation against the US company is ongoing. Microsoft’s practices are alleged to have breached Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of [...]

RJA1988 / Pixabay

The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the creation of a publicly-funded religious charter school, St. Isidore of Seville Virtual Charter School violates the First Amendment and Oklahoma State Constitution. The court said the St. Isidore contract violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which says the government “shall make no [...]

chief39 / Pixabay

The European Court of Human Rights unanimously found Tuesday that Russia was guilty of a pattern of human rights violations since 2014 in Crimea under the European Convention on Human Rights (Convention) and international humanitarian law, in its ruling on the case Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea). These violations included ill-treatment, intimidation, disappearances, forced Russian [...]


Russia’s foreign ministry announced on Tuesday that it is banning access to the broadcasts of 81 media outlets in response to the EU’s decision to sanction certain Russian media outlets for spreading propaganda. They also accused the EU based media outlets of disseminating false information about the war in Ukraine. The ban notably affects several prominent [...]