On Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights declared an application concerning the planning decision to construct Berlin Brandenburg Airport inadmissible. Thus, the petitioners who owned property near the airport have not successfully challenged the airport expansion. According to the judgment of John Buttner and Jutta Krebs v. Germany, a decision was made to consolidate [...]

CaitlinJohnstone / Pixabay

Here, the author Pitasanna Shanmugathas a graduate from Vermont Law looks at the reprisals faced by prominent whistleblowers in the wake of Julian Assange’s release, and the threat whistleblower prosecutions raise to media freedom and the principles of transparency and accountability in government… The release of Julian Assange after years of legal battles highlights the [...]

© WikiMedia (Lorie Shaull)

The US is “out of step” with the rest of the world with its disenfranchisement of large numbers of citizens based on criminal convictions, the Sentencing Project, Human Rights Watch, and the American Civil Liberties Union said in a joint report published on Thursday. As of 2022, 4.4 million United States’ citizens were disenfranchised from [...]


The US Supreme Court on Thursday declined to block access to emergency abortion services in Idaho. In Moyle v. US, the Supreme Court was asked to determine whether a federal law—the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)—would preempt Idaho’s near-total abortion ban. Under EMTALA, any hospital that receives federal Medicare funding must provide [...]

Y. Boechat (VOA), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Human Rights Watch (HRW) urged the Iraqi government on Thursday to halt the arbitrary detention and deportation of Syrian asylum seekers. According to HRW, Iraqi authorities have detained and deported Syrians even when they possessed the required Iraqi documentation. HRW reported that Iraqi authorities neither considered the asylum seeker status of Syrians nor provided any [...]


The US Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a controversial provision in Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy plan that would have shielded members of its former owners from lawsuits related to the opioid crisis. Prior to Purdue’s bankruptcy declaration in 2019, it had been owned by the Sacklers, one of the countries wealthiest families. The Sacklers attempted [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rejected on Thursday four Italian citizens’ request to reduce their life imprisonment sentence to 30 years of prison and ruled that their bid was out of time. The case before the ECHR started when four Italian citizens filed a request to their national courts to review the enforcement [...]


President William Ruto declined to assent on Wednesday to the contentious Finance Bill 2024, sending it back to the National Assembly for reconsideration. This decision came amid ongoing protests led by Kenya’s Gen Z population voicing strong opposition to the bill. According to President Ruto: Taking into consideration the widespread expression of dissatisfaction by members [...]

MLbay / Pixabay

The Bank of Italy identified over 150,000 suspicious transaction in 2023, including possible illegal transactions to Russia, Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) said in its 2023 annual report posted publicly on Wednesday. The FIU annual report detailed the possibility of these illegal transactions towards Russia. The alleged transactions were monitored in the Aggregate Anti-Money Laundering Reports (SARA), [...]

FBenjr123, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Indonesia’s antitrust agency announced Wednesday that e-commerce giant Shopee and its courier service, Shopee Express, will make adjustments to its courier service practices in Indonesia after admitting to violating Indonesian competition laws. The Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU), also known as the Indonesia Competition Commission, found that Shopee violated anti-competition rules by prioritizing its own [...]