The Fourth Federal Regional Court in Brazil on Wednesday denied another appeal from former president Lula da Silva . Lula was jailed earlier this month after losing an appeal to...
The House of Lords passed Wednesday two amendments that hinder the UK's effort to leave the EU known as Brexit. The amendments address the EU (Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19 and require ministers to explore...
After a 10 day visit to Ghana, the UN Special Rapporteur for extreme poverty and human rights released a preliminary report Wednesday urging Ghana to address growing inequality and poverty. The full report will be forthcoming in June...
The Burundi government has "killed, beaten, and intimidated perceived opponents of a constitutional referendum ... that would enable the president to extend his term in office," Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Tuesday. This referendum could allow President Pierre...
The UN Human Rights Committee issued two decisions Wednesday finding, in the cases of former MPs Rebeca Delgado Burgoa and Eduardo Maldonado Iporre , that Bolivia violated their human rights by denying access...
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled Tuesday that Poland broke EU law by logging in the Białowieża Forest , one of Europe's last ancient forest, according to the UN Educational, Scientific,...
Iraqi women and children are being denied access to humanitarian aid and are not allowed to return to their homes because of their alleged association with the Islamic State (IS), according to a report published Tuesday by Amnesty...
The US Supreme Court on Tuesday held that Microsoft is required to disclose a customer's electronic information stored overseas when it was suspected in furthering illegal drug trafficking. The per curium opinion vacated and remanded the judgment [opinion,...
A Stuttgart Public Prosecutor brought charges Monday in a district court in Mannheim against a 94-year-old former Schutzstaffel (SS) guard of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp for aiding and abetting the murders committed in the camp. The man,...
In a referendum Sunday, Guatemalans voted overwhelmingly to request that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) resolve the country's centuries-old territorial dispute with Belize. On Monday the government of Belize issued a press...