World Legal News

The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal on Wednesday quashed former Chief Executive Donald Tsang’s conviction and sentence for misconduct in public office. This case arose when Tsang failed to declare certain dealings with a business tycoon. Tsang was arranging to live in a Shenzhen apartment owned by a company controlled by the business tycoon, but [...]

© WikiMedia (Filip Maljković)

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted Wednesday to reinstate the Russian delegation to the Assembly despite criticism over human rights abuses. Russia’s voting rights had been stripped in 2014 in response to the Russian Federation’s annexation of Crimea. Russia in turn paid only one-third of its membership dues that year and has [...]

Photo credit: Stephanie Sundier

US Representatives Ro Khanna (D-CA) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Tuesday introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to prohibit funding for US military action against Iran without Congress’ approval. The amendment provides that “no Federal funds may be used for any use of military force in or against Iran unless Congress [...]

© WikiMedia (Mariordo)

The Administrative Court in Montreuil, France held Tuesday that the state is liable to a mother (Mrs. T) and daughter, for inadequacy of air quality. Mrs. T brought the claim with the backing of NGOs after both herself and her daughter suffered respiratory health issues including bronchitis and asthma. Mrs. T said that both of [...]

jp26jp / Pixabay

FedEx Corporation sued the US Department of Commerce Monday for what they say is the Department’s efforts to use their regulations to “essentially deputize FedEx to police the contents of the millions of packages it ships daily even though doing so is a virtually impossible task, logistically, economically, and in many cases, legally.” In an [...]

© WikiMedia (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

US President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order imposing sanctions on Iran, citing “aggressive behaviors by the Iranian regime in recent weeks.” The sanctions block Iran’s leadership from access to the US financial system or any other assets in the US. The order also allows the Secretary of the Treasury to sanction anyone [...]