World Legal News

Lord Iain Bonomy, a judge for the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals that is handling the remaining business of the former international criminal courts for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, approved the transfer of Félicien Kabuga to The Hague Wednesday. Arrested in May in Paris after two decades as a fugitive, Kabuga is suspected of financially supporting the [...]

© WikiMedia (VinoTinto)

The United Nations Secretary-General Wednesday called for an end to police brutality in Nigeria.  António Guterres’ statement comes in the middle of the #ENDSars protests that have been happening in Nigeria since early October. The protests have decried the use of excessive force by police, and especially by the now-defunct SARS unit, the Special Anti-Robbery [...]

Walkerssk / Pixabay

French government spokesperson Gabriel Attal announced on Wednesday that France will ban the Islamist group directly involved in the brutal killing of a French school teacher last week. Samuel Paty, a history teacher, was beheaded by Abdoulakh Anzorov, a teenager of Chechen origins, over Paty’s use of the “blasphemous” Charlie Hebdo caricatures of the Prophet [...]

fsHH / Pixabay

The Ontario Court of Justice acquitted Canadian police constable Daniel Montsion Tuesday of all charges, including manslaughter and assault, in the death of a mentally ill Black man who was arrested in Ottawa in 2016. Abdirahman Abdi, a Somali-Canadian man, led police on a foot chase that culminated in his arrest. The police had Abdi on [...]


As part of a documentary shown in Rome Wednesday, Pope Francis voiced his support for civil unions for same-sex couples. “Homosexuals have a right to be part of the family,” said the Pope, referring to members of the LGBTQ+ community as “children of God” and encouraging the creation of civil union laws. These statements were [...]


Japan’s Ministry of Justice launched a system Wednesday by which victims in criminal cases will be notified of death row inmates’ executions by document or phone. The new system updates the existing, broader policy introduced in November 2008, by which the ministry provides information and support to victims of criminal cases. The existing policy provides victims [...]

696188 / Pixabay

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) approved a diplomatic agreement with Israel that was signed in Washington last month, just ahead of the UAE government’s official visit to Israel on Tuesday. The UAE and Bahrain are the first Persian Gulf States to formalize ties with Israel over Iran fears concerning the regime and extremist groups in the country. [...]

jorono / Pixabay

Burundi’s top court sentenced former president Pierre Buyoya to life in prison on Tuesday for the 1993 murder of Melchior Ndadaye, the man who had defeated Buyoya in the presidential elections to become the central African country’s first freely elected president. The killing of Ndadaye, which occurred four months after he had won election, triggered [...]

Rhmtdns, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Thousands of students took to the streets in Indonesia on Tuesday, continuing protests of the passage of a sweeping omnibus labor law earlier this month. The bill, passed October 5, makes changes to a large number of laws regarding business and employment, especially regarding foreign business investment in Indonesia. The law’s stated goals include empowering [...]

© WikiMedia (POMED)

Slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s fiancee Hatice Cengiz and Democracy for the Arab World Now, Inc. (DAWN) filed a lawsuit Tuesday in a US district court against Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and a couple dozen others. The complaint alleges that key elements of the conspiracy to murder Khashoggi took place at the Saudi embassy in [...]