World Legal News
© WikiMedia (mikepryan)

Human rights organizations signed an open letter Tuesday declaring China’s treatment of Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang province a genocide. The letter cited a November 2019 UN report that raised concerns over “increasing practices of arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, absence of judicial oversight and procedural safeguards … within an increasingly securitized environment, particularly for designated minorities, [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Monday ruled that the Trump administration can end aid protections for more than 300,000 immigrants from Haiti, Sudan, Nicaragua and El Salvador. The aid protections, called Temporary Protected Status (TPS), allowed people who would face extreme hardship if forced to return to countries plagued by [...]

RJA1988 / Pixabay

An Israeli court sentenced a Jewish settler to life in prison plus 20 years on Monday for murdering a Palestinian family in a 2015 firebomb attack on their home in the occupied West Bank. The district court determined that Amiram Ben-Uliel led a racially–motivated attack on the Dawabsheh home after finding the terms “Revenge” and [...]

geralt / Pixabay

The European Court of Justice backed EU net neutrality regulations Tuesday in a judgment interpreting the rules. The ruling came in response to a Hungarian court’s request for a preliminary opinion in a case where the president of the National Communications and Media Office of Hungary ordered the Telenor Company to terminate some of its [...]

kjh318203 / Pixabay

South Korean prosecutors on Monday charged Yoon Mee-hyang with fraud and embezzlement related to her time as head of the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan. Yoon stepped down from the organization to run for her current seat in Parliament. It is alleged, among other things, [...]

Pexels / Pixabay

The Delhi High Court on Saturday announced that it has reduced the number of physical hearings it will have due to an “alarming” rise in COVID-19 cases and a majority of lawyers preferring virtual hearings. Physical hearings started on September 1 and will not be completely discontinued. Starting September 15, “one division bench and two [...]

© WikiMedia (Galería del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores)

The Congress of the Republic of Peru voted Saturday to proceed with impeachment hearings against President Martín Vizcarra for moral incapacity. This is only the first step of the process, as only 65 out of the 130 members voted. To remove Vizcarra, 87 members must vote for his removal. The allegations against Vizcarra stem from [...]

International Court of Justice // Public domain

The US asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Monday to dismiss a case brought by Iran seeking to lift sanctions. The US argued that Iran improperly brought the case before the court, as the case’s subject matter does not fall within the Treaty of Amity and cannot be a violation. The case, originally brought [...]

iamout / Pixabay

Iranian officials wrestler executed Navid Afkari Saturday for his alleged involvement with a murder of a security agent during August 2018 against Iran’s Shiite theocracy. The execution followed after Iran televised Afkari’s confession last week. International human rights advocates suspect that the confession was coerced because the confession resembled those found in a report by [...]

© WikiMedia (Dan Lundberg)

The Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report on Friday, alleging that Bolivia’s  interim government, led by President Jeanine Anez, uses the judiciary to attack former President Evo Morales and members of his administration. The report claims Anez’s government “has publicly pressured prosecutors and judges to act to further its interests, leading to criminal investigations [...]