World Legal News
© WikiMedia (Bertel Schmitt)

Two American men accused of helping disgraced former Nissan executive Carlos Ghosn escape Japan in 2019 were extradited from the US on Monday, the Tokyo Prosecutor’s Office confirmed in a press conference. Michael Taylor and his son Peter were arrested at Narita International Airport by marshals of the Tokyo District Prosecutor’s Office and charged on [...]


South Africa’s Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola said Monday that the country’s Land Claims court would be converted into a specialized new court to adjudicate on all matters and not just restitution. The statement was made in a press conference introducing the new Land Court Bill that was approved for submission to the [...]

Evgeny Feldman, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Biden administration said Tuesday that it will be sanctioning seven Russian officials in a cooperative effort with the EU to respond to the treatment of opposition leader Alexei Navalny by the Russian government. These new sanctions come after Navalny was arrested and sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison for violating parole. The EU and [...]


Tens of thousands of Syrian civilians have been detained, forcibly disappeared, or subject to torture, sexual violence, or death in detention throughout the decade of conflict in Syria, a UN human rights report said Monday. The report was a result of various resolutions passed by the UN Human Rights Council requesting a report on “arbitrary [...]


Artistas y disidentes cubanos presentaron su testimonio ante el Parlamento Europeo el viernes denunciando violaciones a los derechos humanos por parte del gobierno cubano. Testificaron, basado en sus propias experiencias, sobre la censura que cada uno de ellos ha sufrido por sus creencias políticas. El evento fue presentado por los diputados Dita Charanzová y Leopoldo [...]


A bipartisan letter addressed to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and signed by more than 170 members of the US House of Representatives is pressuring the Biden Administration to “elevate human rights” in American policy toward Turkey. The letter, dated February 26 and made public Monday, acknowledges the longstanding political relationship the United States has [...]


Protesters filled the streets of Algiers on Friday as the pro-democracy Hirak movement regained momentum after a year-long break due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Hirak, meaning “movement” in Arabic, was formed in 2019 to oppose former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s run for a fifth term. The non-partisan movement aims for systemic change that includes judicial independence and the rule [...]

Tumisu / Pixabay

The UK will introduce new amendments to its Domestic Abuse Bill this week in an effort to expand protection from non-fatal strangulation, post-separation coercive control and revenge pornography, according to a Monday statement from the Home Office. The Home Office announced the proposed amendments to the bill on its website, with three main changes. The first proposed [...]

© WikiMedia (Riggwelter)

The Correctional Tribunal of Paris on Monday found former French president Nicolas Sarkozy guilty of trying to bribe a judge and influence peddling while serving in office. Sarkozy was sentenced to three years in prison but will only serve one year as his remaining sentence was suspended. Prosecutors had accused Sarkozy and his lawyer Thierry [...]