The Delhi High Court granted bail Wednesday to student political leader Kanhaiya Kumar who was arrested with other students on February 9 when he rallied against the execution of Kashmiri separatist Mohammed Afzal Guru. The arrests...
The US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday passed two resolutions calling for an international tribunal in the Middle East to address the alleged war crimes committed by the government of Syria and its allies, specifically...
UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing Leilani Farha warned Thursday that homelessness is increasing in every country due to government inaction. Presenting a report to the UN Human Rights Council, Farha said...
A Ukrainian pilot on trial in Russia on Thursday told the court she is going on a dry hunger strike after facing another delay at trial. Nadezhda Savchenko has been charged with complicity in the killing of two journalists, with...
A retired lieutenant colonel and a former paramilitary were ordered to pay more than USD $1 million in damages to victims of sexual slavery and other crimes against humanity during Guatemala's Civil War and decades of armed conflict. Both...
A UK judge ruled Wednesday that Royal Dutch Shell (RDS) can be sued by two Nigerian towns in a British court for their involvement in oil leaks in Nigeria. Lawyers from Leigh Day brought a case [press...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein on Tuesday marked 50 years since the adoption of two prominent UN human rights covenants which he said have paved the way...
The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea passed a resolution on Wednesday addressing the human rights situation in North Korea. A total of 212 legislators voted on the bill, which will become official law when approved by...
The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague opened the confirmation of charges against Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi for destruction of religious and cultural heritage on Tuesday. The charges levied against Al Faqi, an alleged member...
The highest court in Venezuela, the Supreme Tribunal of Justice , on Tuesday ruled that the Venezuelan National Assembly may not review the appointment of 13 justices to the high court. The 13 justices...