Egypt's Court of Cassation on Sunday overturned the five-year prison sentences of 35 Al-Azhar students, ordering a retrial. The students were charged with rioting, illegal protesting, resisting authorities and blocking roads. The rioting charges came as...
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto sent a proposal to his nation's Senate on Thursday to reform the General Health Law and the Federal Penal Code to relax laws against marijuana, including medical use. The move comes...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein expressed concern on Friday regarding the expanding role which the Thai military is playing in the civilian administration. Thailand will soon vote on a final draft [text,...
Venezuela's opposition-led parliament on Wednesday approved new referendum rules. The law speeds up the process of requesting recall referendums. The Venezuelan Constitution allows elected officials be recalled if they have...
The High Court in Gambia's capital of Banjul on Wednesday charged 40 people with offenses related to recent protests. More than 50 people were arrested after a demonstration last Thursday by members of the opposition United Democratic Party calling for...
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon gave an address on Wednesday marking the 70th anniversary of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) . In his remarks , the secretary-general stated that the ICJ has made an "enormous contribution" to international law....
Margrethe Vestagar , the Commissioner of Competition for the EU, on Wednesday opened a probe into the international business practices of Google concerning the tech giant's relationship with other Android developers. Vestagar stated that Google's practice...
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has begun criminal investigations into US citizens connected to tax avoidance claims arising from the Panama Papers , media reported Tuesday. US Attorney for the Southern District of New York...
The US Supreme Court ruled 6-2 Wednesday in Bank Markazi v Peterson that the enactment of a statute allowing terrorism victims' families to collect seized Iranian assets does not violate separation of powers,...
The Hague District Court on Wednesday overturned a 2014 order from the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) that Russia pay USD $50 billion to former shareholders of the Yukos oil company [Foreign...