Bosnian Serbs voted in a referendum Sunday to maintain January 9 as a national holiday in defiance of a court ruling. The date remembers January 9, 1992, when ethnic Serbians declared their own state within Bosnia...
The Foreign Minister of the Republic of Congo , Jean-Claude Gakosso, embraced the country's new constitution on Saturday before the UN General Assembly , which he said will improve political, economic and social governance. The...
Attacks in Aleppo, Syria's capital, were called a "breach of international humanitarian law" in a joint statement by EU officials on Saturday. The EU is urging countries with influence on the parties to encourage negotiations to cease the attacks...
The Brazil Supreme Court approved a motion by prosecutors to open a preliminary investigation into accusations from Sergio Machado, former Transpetro head, that president Michel Temer sought illegal campaign donations in 2012. It was revealed by the Supreme...
Gabon's Constitutional Court on Saturday upheld incumbent president Ali Bongo Ondimba's victory over challenger Jean Ping , despite calls for a recount based on alleged vote rigging. Ping's allegations focused on the Haut-Ogooue province, where Bongo...
US President Barack Obama on Friday vetoed a bill that would have allowed 9/11 victims and their families to sue Saudi Arabia, citing concerns that it would open US diplomats and servicemen to suit abroad....
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein on Friday urged the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to end its pattern of expelling and detaining migrants contrary to international standards. Numerous Central European countries have...
A UN human rights expert on Friday urged the US government to halt the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline out of respect for the rights of affected Native Americans. Earlier this month the North Dakota...
Chelsea Manning, a former US soldier imprisoned for leaking classified documents, was sentenced on Thursday to two weeks of solitary confinement as a punishment for a suicide attempt, as well as for keeping a banned book in her quarters. According...
UN experts condemned Australia Friday for its laws allowing indefinite detention of intellectually disabled persons facing criminal charges. Under the current law, if a person is found unfit to plead to a charge against them, they may be held...