US Legal News
© WikiMedia Commons (Jay Godwin)

US District Judge Royce Lamberth on Thursday ordered a reexamination of the Hilary Clinton private email lawsuit. In his 10-page opinion, he ordered a discovery plan focused on three issues, “whether Clinton used a private email to evade , whether attempts to settle the case despite knowing the inadequacy of its initial search constituted bad [...]

qimono / Pixabay

The Washington State Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a proposed initiative to block funding to open up safe injection sites in King County. In response to the opioid epidemic in 2016, Seattle and King County created a “Heroin and Prescription Opioid Addiction Task Force. This task force was created “to identify strategies and recommendations to improve [...]

Benita5 / Pixabay

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Thursday proposed changes to limits on greenhouse gas emissions from coal power plants. The proposed “Best System of Emission Reduction” would replace a 2015 rule that identified partial carbon capture and storage. The new proposal states partial carbon capture and storage is too costly, with limited geographic availability. The EPA [...]

stevepb / Pixabay

A Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical company, Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc., settled with the US government for $360 million Thursday to resolve claims of illegally using a charity to receive kickbacks on Medicare patients. By donating to Caring Voice Coalition (CVC), the government alleges that Actelion induced patients to purchase company drugs and defrauded the Centers [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in Gamble v. United States, a case that will decide whether a longstanding exception to the Constitutional protection against double jeopardy will remain in effect. Terence Gamble was convicted of robbery in Alabama in 2008. As a convicted felon, Gamble was not permitted to own or possess [...]

© WikiMedia (Garitzko)

The California Building Standards Commission approved a new rule Thursday requiring that all homes built in California after 2020 have the capacity to produce and process solar energy. The rule was first announced in May but faced backlash due to cost concerns as it could raise the average price of a new home in California [...]


The ACLU of Michigan on Wednesday filed a motion to dismiss criminal charges against a candidate in a political free speech. Prosecutors allege that Michigan State Senate candidate, Anuja Rajendra, violated MCL 168.944, false designation of incumbency. The charges stem from campaign mailers that officials claim include language that implied Rajendra was the incumbent for the district. [...]

©Wikimedia (Tony Webster)

The American Bar Association (ABA) announced Wednesday that it will join the Clooney Foundation for Justice and Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute and Human Rights Clinic to establish the TrialWatch initiative, which will help to monitor and prevent human rights violations around the world. The initiative includes plans for training, monitoring, and advocacy to identify [...]