US Legal News
© WikiMedia (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

President Donald Trump signed on Friday the First Step Act, a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill aimed at reducing recidivism and refining sentencing laws and harsh penalties. The US Senate approved the Act Tuesday with a vote of 87 to 12, and the House signed it Thursday 358-36. The bill expands in-prison and post-release employment [...]

© WikiMedia (Wyn Van Devanter)

The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit on Thursday delayed court proceedings and investigations related to alleged unlawful profits from the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC. This appeal is in response to a recent Federal court decision that allowed the Attorneys General of both Maryland and Washington, DC to begin discovery as [...]

© WikiMedia (Austin Kirk)

Johnson & Johnson lost its motion Wednesday to reverse a $4.69 billion jury verdict against them. Johnson & Johnson had asked “that the jury verdict be thrown out on jurisdictional grounds and asked for separate trials for the plaintiffs, according to the order issued Wednesday.” However, the judge denied this motion. In response, “Johnson & [...]


A federal judge on Wednesday blocked Trump administration asylum restriction policies that prevented immigrants who were victims of gang or domestic violence in their home countries from seeking asylum. The ruling came as a result of a lawsuit that the American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies filed on behalf [...]

© WikiMedia (WASR)

Acting US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker announced Tuesday that a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) regulation has been amended to ban bump stocks, drawing a legal challenge the same day. Whitaker said the final rule states that bump stocks fall within the federal definition of “machine gun,” so the rule clarifies existing [...]

© WikiMedia (Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo)

A federal judge on Tuesday postponed the sentencing of former national security advisor to Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, allowing him more time to cooperate with ongoing investigations. Judge Emmet Sullivan of the US District Court for the District of Columbia called Flynn’s crimes “very serious” and asked him numerous pointed questions. Flynn had pleaded guilty [...]


The Trump Foundation agreed by a stipulation on Tuesday to dissolve under judicial supervision, with review and approval by the New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood, amid an investigation and lawsuit alleging the charity’s involvement in fundraising for Donald Trump’s own presidential campaign. Underwood filed a lawsuit in June that alleges the Trump Foundation engaged [...]

tadah / Pixabay

The US Senate approved the First Step Act Tuesday with an overwhelming bipartisan majority vote 87 to 12, marking a substantial overhaul of prison and sentencing laws aimed at reducing recidivism and prison populations. The bill expands in-prison and post-release employment programming, includes components related to alternatives to prison for low-risk prisoners such as home confinement, [...]