US Legal News
© WikiMedia (Governor Tom Wolf)

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed an executive order on Tuesday that places new goals and restrictions for the state regarding greenhouse gas emissions. When announcing the executive order, the governor stated “In the absence of leadership from the federal government, states and cities are stepping up and doing their part to reduce emissions.” By 2050, the [...]


An indictment unsealed on Tuesday revealed that Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya has been charged with obstruction of justice by the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. Though this indictment involves a separate case, Veselnitskaya has been identified as a key figure in the Special Counsel‘s Russia probe due to her involvement in a 2016 Trump [...]


The US Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in Culbertson v. Berryhill that a federal law imposing 25 percent cap on attorney’s fees in Social Security cases applies only to fees relating to court proceedings rather than all fees incurred. The case questioned the interpretation of the 42 USC § 406, specifically Sections A and B, which [...]


California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order Monday that seeks to change the way that the state pays for and acquires prescription drugs. The order directs state officials to set up what Newsom said would become the nation’s largest single-purchaser system for prescriptions. It directs California’s Medicaid system to negotiate drug prices for all [...]

©Wikimedia (Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine)

A California jury heard opening statements on Monday in one of several thousand lawsuits accusing Johnson & Johnson of selling talc-based products contaminated with asbestos and for failing to warn about the dangers of mesothelioma. Plaintiff Terry Leavitt filed the lawsuit in the Alemeda County Superior Court in 2017 after she was diagnosed with mesothelioma. Unlike [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

The Supreme Court began its 2019 term Monday with oral arguments for two cases: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. v. Albrecht and Obduskey v. McCarthy & Holthus. In Merck v. Albrecht, the justices must determine whether a state failure-to-warn law claim is pre-empted when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rejected the drug manufacturer’s [...]

BinhDu / Pixabay

The San Diego District Attorney’s (DA) Office announced their plan Monday to challenge Senate Bill No. 1437, amending the murder accomplice law. The DA’s Office claims that they have grounds to challenge or question the new law’s constitutionality, arguing that “the Legislature didn’t have the authority to change the law without asking voters first.” The [...]