US Legal News
sipa / Pixabay

FedEx agreed Monday to a settlement of $35.4 million to end three lawsuits brought by the city and state of New York over untaxed cigarettes. The lawsuits allege that FedEx shipped millions of untaxed cigarettes to residents of New York over the last decade on behalf of cigarette suppliers. Both the city and state of [...]

GabiSanda / Pixabay

A federal judge in Pennsylvania issued a nationwide injunction on Monday preventing the enforcement of rules allowing employers to deny women health insurance including contraceptive coverage based on moral or religious reasons. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) currently has a requirement detailing that employers must provide their employees with birth control coverage in offered health insurance [...]

© WikiMedia (André Gustavo Stumpf)

An independent monitor has found that despite the adoption of improved policies and new training material, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is still not performing as it should to reduce the incidence of unconstitutional stops and arrests. In a status report filed in federal district court on Friday, Peter Zimroth discussed the department’s [...]

Hans / Pixabay

Air traffic controllers and the national union that represents them filed a lawsuit on Friday against the Trump administration stating that the government shutdown has and continues to have a “devastating effect” on their lives. Because air traffic controllers employed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are designated as “excepted” employees, they are required to continue [...]

Photo Credit: Carrie Thompson

A lawsuit was filed on Thursday to void actions made during an “extraordinary session” of the Wisconsin legislature that diminish the power of the incoming Democratic Governor. In December the legislature passed laws that would take away the ability of the governor to withdraw from lawsuits without legislative approval. This prevents incoming Governor Tony Evers [...]

stevepb / Pixabay

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) with Representatives Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Ro Khanna (D-CA) introduced three pieces of legislation to the Senate on Thursday focused on regulating prescription drug prices. The three bills—the Prescription Drug Price Relief Act, the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Act and the Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act—aim to lower prescription [...]

Pexels / Pixabay

Fiat Chrysler agreed Wednesday to pay a settlement of over $500 million dollars regarding allegations over cheating federal and state emission tests. The consent decree acknowledges that Fiat Chrysler violated Clean Air Act and California law. The decree did not resolve criminal liability nor individual consumer claims regarding the emission scandal. Fiat Chrysler was ordered [...]

© WikiMedia (MrHarman)

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled Wednesday that the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) does not qualify as a “consumer reporting agency” as defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and therefore cannot be sued for misreporting that an Arizona couple had a prior foreclosure. Fannie Mae’s proprietary software, Desktop Underwriter (DU), [...]