US Legal News
12019 / Pixabay

The Fourth District Court of Appeals in California ruled Tuesday that a California Supreme Court ruling overturning cases where a court reporter was not provided “applies retroactively to all cases” that are “not yet final on appeal.” The previous California Supreme Court ruling held that “an official court reporter, or other valid means to create [...]

janeb13 / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up an appeal in Hassell v. Bird, in which the California Supreme Court ruled that the Communication Decency Act provided that interactive websites were immune from liability for defamatory comments posted on the website. Hassell, a San Francisco based attorney, sued Yelp for injunctive relief after a user posted a [...]

geralt / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled Wednesday that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) does not protect job applicants, extending only to current employees. In an 8-4 decision, the en banc court review divided after a three-judge panel of the same appeals court overturned the district’s court ruling in favor [...]

© WikiMedia (Michael Coghlan)

The New York Supreme Court convicted a white supremacist of terrorism charges on Wednesday, the first time the state has ever done so.  White supremacist James Jackson plead guilty to Murder in the First Degree in Furtherance of an Act of Terrorism, Murder in the Second Degree as a Crime of Terrorism, Murder in the Second Degree as a [...]

© WikiMedia (Brian Stansberry)

On Iowa judge on Tuesday struck down legislation banning abortion when a fetal heartbeat is detected, which is often as early as six weeks. The legislation, signed into law by Republican Governor Kim Reynolds last May, prohibits doctors from performing an abortion after a fetus’ cardiac activity is detectable, which occurs before a fetus becomes [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court ruled 9-0 on Tuesday that the sale of inventions in confidential arrangements count as the invention being “on sale.” As such, these inventions are excluded from patents filed after the sale date. This case came before the court because Helsinn Healthcare S. A. uses palonestron to create chemotherapy-induced nausea treatments. This [...]

© WikiMedia (Tony Webster)

New York lawmakers on Tuesday passed Senate Bill S240, which is also known as the Reproductive Health Act and expands abortion rights. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill into law Tuesday evening. The Reproductive Health Act was made with the intent “to prevent the enforcement of laws or regulations that are not in furtherance of [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday denied certiorari in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, which involved a football coach at a public high school who claimed that school officials retaliated against him for engaging in prayer on the field. The case raised the question of how public-sector employers must balance their dual obligations under the [...]

Jabbacake / Pixabay

The Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to review a case that contests New York City’s prohibition on the transportation of personal firearms outside city limits. The petition for certiorari comes from a case brought by the New York State Pistol & Rifle Association (NYSPRA) alongside other gun owners against the city of New York. Current [...]