US Legal News

The Illinois Supreme Court upheld cause of action provisions of a 2008 state law on Friday that requires companies who collect a person’s biometric information such as fingerprints, retina scans or face matching, to obtain consent and inform a person how it will be stored, used and shared. The unanimous ruling stems from a mom, [...]

© WikiMedia (Bryn Pinzgauer)

The US, the EU and the UK each issued statements Saturday voicing concern about the suspension of Nigerian Chief Justice Onnoghen. In their statements the governments questioned the constitutionality of the Nigerian executive suspending the chief justice, noting that this is a separation of powers issue and that the executive branch did not have the [...]


The Supreme Court of Nebraska upheld death sentences for eight death row inmates on Friday.  The plaintiffs, who had all been sentenced before 2015, claimed that when the Nebraska legislature repealed capital punishment in 2015, their sentences should have been commuted, even though capital punishment was reinstated by referendum in 2016. One of the eight plaintiffs had been [...]

Walkerssk / Pixabay

A federal district judge in Arkansas on Wednesday upheld a state law prohibiting state entities from entering into contracts with companies for goods or services unless those companies certify in writing that they are not currently engaged in, nor will they engage in for the duration of their contract, a “boycott of Israel.” The Arkansas [...]

Bru-nO / Pixabay

The Supreme Court of Mississippi on Thursday declined to overturn the loss-of-a-chance precedent used in medical malpractice cases. The court’s decision upheld a trial judge’s dismissal and summary judgment ruling in a case that accused Anderson Regional Medical Center’s nurses of failure to recognize and react to a patient’s stroke symptoms. This oversight resulted in [...]

© WikiMedia (Jscarreiro)

The American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona (ACLU of Arizona) filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against Arizona for denying a transgender state employee health coverage for gender reassignment surgery. The plaintiff, Russell Toomey, is an Associate Professor at the University of Arizona who participates in the state’s self-funded health plan. Toomey claims that by denying [...]


The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on Thursday announced the elimination of a rule enacted by the Obama administration that required large employers to file individual incident reports for workplace accidents and injuries. Under the prior rule companies with more than 250 employees were required to file two electronic forms, Form 300 and [...]


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on Thursday approved new rules that addresses nuclear power plant safety. The proposed regulations will apply to both power reactor applicants as well as currently operating licensee plants. Nuclear power plants are required to comply with the new rule within two years and 30 days following its adoption in the Federal [...]


Washington, DC, Attorney General Karl Racine proposed legislation Wednesday that would include clergy in the list of mandatory reporters—people who are obligated by law to inform law enforcement of any suspected child abuse or neglect. This bill is a response to recent sexual-abuse scandals in the Catholic Church. Enactment of this law will require pastors, [...]

© WikiMedia Robert Mueller (The White House from Washington, DC)

Longtime Trump associate, Roger Stone was arrested Friday following a seven-count indictment issued by the Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The indictment alleges one count each of obstruction of a proceeding and witness tampering, and five counts of making false statements to House Representatives. The 24-page indictment lays out allegations that Stone knowingly and willfully “made materially [...]