US Legal News

Attorneys representing US ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland released a statement to Politico reporter Kyle Cheney on Friday indicating his intention to testify before Congress, defying an order by the Trump Administration not to appear before the committees investigating the president as part of the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry. The statement says that [...]

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Two associates of US President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani were arrested Thursday for violating campaign finance laws. The indictment charges that Ignor Fruman and Lev Parnas and two others “conspired to circumvent the federal laws against foreign influence by engaging in a scheme to funnel foreign money to candidates for federal and state office [...]


New York City sued 22 e-cigarette companies Tuesday for violating the Administrative Code of the City of New York by selling e-cigarettes to residents under the age of 21. The city accuses the companies of creating a public nuisance and is seeking injunctive relief to prevent further underage sales of e-cigarettes. The city also seeks [...]


California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill on Tuesday that prohibits law enforcement officers from using facial recognition and other biometric surveillance technologies in police-worn cameras. The bill outlines concerns related to the guaranteed right to privacy under the California Constitution. The bill equates facial recognition technologies as functionally equivalent to “requiring every person to [...]

Photo Credit: Stephanie Sundier

US President Donald Trump’s legal counsel sent a letter to House Democrats Tuesday saying that the president will not participate in the ongoing impeachment inquiry. The letter states that the impeachment inquiry is “constitutionally invalid and a violation of due process.” The letter also states that the inquiry was started without a House vote and [...]

Photo credit: Stephanie Sundier

House Democrats on Tuesday introduced a new bill designed to detect and limit foreign interference in US elections. The SHIELD Act would amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to clarify the obligation for campaigns to report acts of foreign “election influence” and require campaigns to adhere to a new implementation and reporting system [...]

Photo Credit: Patrick Sherry

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in two landmark cases concerning LGBTQ+ employment rights. The court first heard oral argument in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia. This case was consolidated for oral argument with a similar case, Altitude Express Inc. v. Zarda. Both cases involved a gay male plaintiff who alleged that he [...]


The US Supreme Court declined to take up a challenge to Ohio’s electoral map on Monday, following their June decision that it is improper for courts to rule on political redistricting challenges. In an unsigned order, the Supreme Court remanded the case challenging Ohio’s electoral map back to the federal district court with instructions to [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court began its first day of the fall term Monday with three oral arguments: two criminal cases concerning constitutional questions as well as a case concerning legal fees and the US Patent and Trademark Office. The court began with Kahler v. Kansas, in which the court will determine whether the Fourteenth Amendment’s [...]


California Governor Gavin Newsom on Monday vetoed a bill that would have made it a misdemeanor to pay a person money “or any other thing of value based on the number of signatures obtained on a state or local initiative, referendum, or recall petition.” The misdemeanor would have been punishable by a fine of up [...]