US Legal News

The US District Court for the Middle District of Georgia ruled Tuesday that a county sheriff cannot post a “no trick or treat” sign outside of sex offenders’ homes during the Halloween season, a practice that the court held to be in violation of the First Amendment. Plaintiffs are sex offenders who are subject to [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) introduced a resolution on Wednesday calling for the US to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty with Russia, which allows Russia and the United States to fly observation flights over each others’ territory. The resolution called for withdrawal on the grounds that the treaty allows Russia to [...]

© WikiMedia (Spc. Carlynn Knaak)

A Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Judge on Wednesday enjoined the tallying of votes on Marsy’s Law, a proposed state constitutional amendment for crime victims’ rights. The lawsuit was filed by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, it alleges that the ballot question violates Article XI, Section 1 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, does not contain the [...]


The USDA announced an interim final rule for the establishment of a domestic hemp program on Tuesday. The program was required by the 2018 Farm Bill to create consistency and regulation around domestic hemp production in the US. The interim final rule: “includes provisions for maintaining information on the land where hemp is produced, testing [...]

© WikiMedia (Mykola Lazarenko)

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, who serves as a director on the National Security Council (NSC), testified on Tuesday before the House committees overseeing the impeachment hearings about President Trump’s dealings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. In his prepared remarks, Vindman expressed concern that the president and members of his administration were risking US national security [...]

© WikiMedia (Nick Juhasz)

The NCAA Board of Governors voted Tuesday to implement a process of modernizing a student-athlete’s ability to benefit from his or her name, image, and likeness. The vote comes after California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Fair Pay to Play Act, which would allow student-athletes in California to make money from endorsements. The NCAA’s press [...]

Proulain / Pixabay

Former deputy national security advisor Charles Kupperman filed a lawsuit on Friday asking the United States District Court for the District of Columbia to rule on whether he must comply with a congressional subpoena ordering him to testify in the ongoing congressional impeachment inquiry. Kupperman was subpoenaed because he was reportedly listening to the phone [...]

StockSnap / Pixabay

US District Court Judge Rossie Alston held Monday that a Virginia law requiring marriage applicants to identify their race was unconstitutional. The order comes as a response to a lawsuit filed by three couples challenging the requirement. The couples were denied marriage licenses after declining to provide their race as required by a state statute. [...]

© WikiMedia (The White House)

Democrats in the US House of Representatives released a resolution Tuesday detailing rules they intend to follow during the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. The resolution provides that House committees can continue their existing investigations into whether there is sufficient evidence to employ the Constitutional powers of impeachment. More specifically, the resolution outlines time [...]