The Department of Defense announced Monday that according to a DOD panel a detainee held at Guantanamo Bay was wrongly classified as an enemy combatant and would be released soon. Navy Secretary Gordon England refused to identify the man...
Hungary became the second nation to ratify the European Constitution with a parliamentary vote Monday, only seven months after joining the EU. After Hungary's approval, 23 EU member states have yet to ratify the constitution, with a negative vote...
Defense lawyers for Saddam Hussein are preparing legal challenges to his upcoming war crimes trial to be filed in US courts, according to leaked memos. The Sunday Times reported that a brief titled "The Iraqi Special Tribunal as Victors’...
KGW-TV in Portland is reporting that WA State Democrats have said the WA Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal over 700 disputed King County in a hand recount for the gubernatorial race. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that...
The US government has agreed to settle a class action brought by Hungarian Holocaust survivors over an estimated $200 million in jewelry, gold and other property that was seized by the US at the end of World War II...
Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko opened a 2-hour live TV debate Monday with rival and prime minister Viktor Yanukovych by accusing him of trying to steal the November 21 Ukrainian presidential election, which led to allegations of massive fraud...
US-based rights monitoring group Freedom House said Monday in its annual report on human rights conditions in countries around the world that Russia had dropped into the category of "not free" in the wake of various authoritarian moves this...
AP is reporting that Jewish settler leaders have endorsed a call for civil disobedience against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's planned evacuation of Gaza Strip and West Bank settlements. Pinchas Wallerstein, a former leader of the Yesha Settlers' Council,...
AP is reporting that a Chilean court has upheld the indictment and house arrest of former president General Augusto Pinochet on human rights charges, according to a judge's announcement. BBC News has background on the appeal....
Two Albanians who hijacked an Athens bus and took 23 passangers hostage last Wednesday in a standoff that went on for 18 hours before they surrendered apologized in court Monday for what they themselves called a "stupid act." The...