The British government has said that it will not oppose a citizens' group if it seeks an injunction of a hunting ban set to take effect in February. The Countryside Alliance has said it will challenge the ban in...
The US 1st Circuit Court of Appeals has refused a request to reconsider its ruling that the Puerto Rican Supreme Court has jurisdiction over the territory's disputed governor's election. The court refused Wednesday to rehear the case en banc...
A Spanish parliamentary commission investigating the Madrid train bombings from last March has completed its hearings and will now draft a final report on its findings. The hearings, which were aimed at determining how Islamic radicals were able to...
Washington State Republican Party et al. v. King County Division of Records, December 22, 2004 . Read the full text of the opinion here....
An Argentine court Wednesday charged former President Fernando de la Rua with improperly allocating public funds for his own private use and for the use of his political party while serving in public office from 1999 to 2001. The...
The Nevada Supreme Court has ruled that a law prohibiting criminals from profiting from sales of their memoirs controverted constitutional rights to free speech. The so-called "Son of Sam" law was deemed too broad, despite the state's compelling interests...
Updating a story reported earlier today in JURIST's Paper Chase, the Washington Supreme Court ruled Wednesday afternoon that 735 disputed ballots should be counted in the state gubernatorial race recount. The contested absentee ballots in the extremely close statewide...
A federal judge Wednesday lifted a interim hold on Proposition 200, the voter-approved initiative that would deny illegal immigrants certain government benefits. The temporary restraining order was orginally placed by US District Judge David Burry to determine the constitutionality...
A Florida appeals court Wednesday upheld a $500,000 lower court verdict in favor of a former TWA flight attendant who had sued tobacco companies for health damage caused by secondhand smoke on airplanes. The case turned on interpretation of...
Microsoft v. Commission of the European Communities, European Court of First Instance, President Judge Bo Vesterdorf, December 22, 2004 [upholding antitrust penalties against Microsoft previosuly imposed by the European Commission, and ruling that Microsoft did not demonstrate that "it might...