National and State Trends in Fraud & Identity Theft: January — December 2004, Federal Trade Commission , February 1, 2005 [reporting that the number of complaints about identity theft increased 15 percent from the previous year, and represent about 40...
Videotapes show Guantanamo Bay military prison riot squads subduing some detainees by punching them, tying one to a gurney and forcing them to strip from the waist down, according to a report by investigators from the...
In Tuesday's environmental law news, the US House Committee on Resources has announced that it is expecting to vote on February 9 on a broad energy bill that would allow oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife...
Following up on a story reported earlier today on JURIST's Paper Chase, Senate Democrats said Tuesday they will not try to filibuster the nomination of Alberto Gonzales as attorney general, although they...
Following up a story reported earlier today on JURIST's Paper Chase, the US State Department has welcomed the release of the UN report on the violence in Sudan , although it has maintained its...
Slovenia's National Assembly ratified the European Constitution Tuesday with an overwhelming 79-4 vote in favor, making it the third country to do so following Lithuania and Hungary . The constitution requires...
Israel's attorney general said Tuesday that he had previously been unaware of the government's secret seizure of Palestinian property in East Jerusalem under a 1950 land law. Attorney General Meni Manuz called the plan illegal and ordered...
The British government has released an Egyptian man it had held since December 2001 without trial or charges, the Home Office reported Tuesday. The man, identified only as "C," was released from prison Monday because there was...
Leading Tuesday's corporations and securities law news, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) , who have been examining the trading schemes Enron employed on Western power consumers, contend that the energy giant should...
Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1564 of 18 September 2004, January 25, 2005. Excerpt from the executive summary:Based on a thorough analysis of the information gathered...