A Israeli government-commissioned study of Jewish settlements on the West Bank submitted Tuesday and made public Wednesday has concluded that 105 outposts are illegal, including 54 built on land not belonging to the Israeli state,...
Bosnia opened its own war crimes court in Sarajevo Wednesday in a move hailed by leaders of the international war crimes tribunal at The Hague who anticipate it will absorb some of that court's backlog as well...
{JURIST] Taiwanese leaders have condemned the proposed Chinese "anti-secession" law outlined Tuesday at a meeting of the National People's Congress in Beijing. The law, the full draft of which has still not been made public, endorses...
FBI Director Robert Mueller suggested to the House Appropriations Committee in testimony Tuesday that terror suspects be legally prohibited from buying guns. Under current federal regulatory practice, highlighted yesterday in a new Government Accountability Office...
UK Home Secretary Charles Clarke offered additional concessions on the British government's proposed Prevention of Terrorism Bill Wednesday after the legislation came back from the upper chamber House of Lords riddled with amendments designed to protect...
Ramush Haradinaj, who resigned yesterday as Kosovo prime minister after being indicted for war crimes in connection with his activities while a senior commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army in the late 1990s, flew to...
United Nations Declaration on Human Cloing, adopted by resolution of the UN General Assembly, March 8, 2005. Read the full text of the Declaration prefaced with explanatory remarks. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here....
Log of (and links to) Army CID reports of investigations into US treatment of prisoners in Iraq, US Department of Defense, obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request, March 4, 2005 [covering...
A bill that would make consumers satisfy a series of requirements before being permitted to cancel their debts through bankruptcy is close to passage in the US Senate. On Tuesday the Senate killed what some Republicans called a "poisoned...
Initial reactions by Senators on both sides of the aisle prompted speculation Tuesday that Monday's nomination of Under-Secretary of State John Bolton to be the new US ambassador to the UN could be problematic, or at least...