The Iraqi government announced Sunday that former dictator Saddam Hussein will face 12 charges at trial. Iraqi government spokesman Laith Kuba told reporters in a press conference that Hussein could have faced nearly 500 charges, but...
French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder agreed Saturday that ratification votes on the EU Constitution must go on, despite last week's devastating rejections of the charter in France ...
AP is reporting that Switzerland voters approved a referendum Sunday that will make the nation part of the EU passport-free zone established under the 1985 Schengen Treaty ....
A UN spokesman has condemned the Zimbabwe government's mass evictions and arrests of nearly 200,000 citizens living and trading in street dwellings as "gross human rights violations" and urged an end to the actions. In a statement...
Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000: Trafficking in Persons Report, US Department of State, June 3, 2005 [report accusing 14 nations of failing to adequately stop the flow of slaves traded into prostitution, child sex work, and...
Richmond Medical Center for Women, et al. v. Hicks, et al., United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, June 3, 2005 [finding unconstitutional a Virginia law prohibiting a controversial late-term partial-birth abortion procedure because it lacks an exception...
Swiss voters are set to determine the future direction of their small country's role in Europe in a referendum Sunday. The Swiss are not voting on the EU Constitution - traditionally-neutral Switzerland is not a member of the Union...
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Saturday issued a decree officially delaying the scheduled July 17 parliamentary elections in the Palestinian Authority to allow time to settle a disagreement over election law changes. Holding up the vote...
In a State Department human trafficking report released Friday the US accused 14 nations of failing to adequately stop the flow of slaves traded into prostitution, child sex work, and forced labor. According to the State...
After jurors in the trial of former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy told Judge Karon Bowdre Friday that they were unable to reach a verdict, Bowdre told them to continue deliberating, stressing the time and...