The Pentagon announced Tuesday that military commission trials for two foreign Guantanamo prisoners will begin with plea hearings on January 10 at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility without waiting for the US Supreme Court to decide the...
A Russian judge announced at a preliminary hearing Tuesday that three Chechens accused of murdering US journalist Paul Klebnikov in July 2004 would be tried in front of a jury during closed sessions. The man...
Natwar Singh , India's former foreign minister, resigned his position on the Indian Cabinet on Tuesday amid accusations that his majority party improperly benefited from the UN's oil-for-food program . Singh maintained his innocence on Tuesday,...
The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled Tuesday that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) lacks the statutory authority to compel lawyers to provide periodic notice of privacy to clients...
Azerbaijan's main political opposition party, Azadliq , announced Tuesday that it plans to boycott the new parliament that won power after disputed November elections. Azadliq won five seats in that contest, in which both...
The heads of Romania's parliament Tuesday announced plans to seek an inquiry into the reports that Romania hosted a secret CIA prison . Meanwhile in Poland, identified as another European country that may have harbored a secret CIA...
In a motion filed Tuesday, prosecutors in the trial of Zacarias Mousaoui asked a federal judge to limit impact testimony of the hundreds of living victims who expressed their desire to testify about their...
AP is reporting that a federal jury has acquitted Sami Al-Arian , the former Florida professor accused of aiding Palestinian terrorists, on some counts but has deadlocked on others.Previously in JURIST's Paper Chase...Ex-professor calls no...
In response to growing scrutiny of his Administration's interrogation practices, President Bush Tuesday insisted that the United States does not secretly transfer terrorism suspects to foreign governments that engage in torture. The Bush Administration has been...
The interrogation of Syrian officials , part of a UN inquiry into the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minster Rafik Hariri , will be suspended after the last of five officials is questioned and...